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Roger Jacobs - Kauai, Hawaii

Accordion Menu Using jQuery
Roger Jacobs - Kauai, Hawaii
Musician, Technology Consultant

Roger Jacobs Resume
2950 Kress Street, Suite E, Lihue, HI 96766
808-245-1695      raj@dsi.gs


Revised May 2020

    Assist those around me towards utilizing networked information technology for the purpose of personal and economic fulfillment. Build productive environments in dataspace. Maintain an environment conducive to multi-media creativity.

    Highly competent with TCP/IP networks and multi-platform computing environments.
    Expert in Macintosh, Windows and Linux operating systems.
    Recognized as computer and internet resource person for Kaua`i.
    Accomplished multi-instrumental musician and composer.
    Successful contractor and small business operator for over 20 years.
    Formal education as a Critical Care Registered Nurse.

    Essential Skills:

      Design and/or fabrication of custom systems and devices
      Design of data structures to accommodate business requirements
      Verbal and written communications
      Musical improvisation
      Time management and organization

    Have an intuitive understanding of how most devices or systems work.

    Self employed from 1992 in technology consulting, DBA DataSpace Industries, specializing in facilitation of computer and networking technology for individuals and businesses on Kaua`i. Performer and audio engineer for multiple musical projects.

1994 - Present:
  • Contracted as Technology Facilitator for the West Kauai Technology & Visitor Center
  • Contracted as Information Technology Support for the Kauai Office of Economic Development
  • Contracted to design and build custom web applications for the Kauai Film Commission and the Kauai Chamber of Commerce
  • Contracted as Network Administrator for Kauai NetExpo '97, '99 and 2000
  • Contracted as IT Support for the Radisson Kauai Beach Resort
  • Contracted for Design and Support for voicemail and database systems for the Kauai Hotline project.
  • Contracted as Primary Facilitator for the "Storytelling for the New Millennium" CyberCafe - April, 1996
  • Contracted as IT Consultant for Ameritech Cellular / Cingular Wireless Market on Kauai
  • Contracted as Internet Connectivity and Networking Specialist for numerous clients on Kauai
  • Contracted as Computer Technology and Networking Consultant for Island School
  • Contracted as Local IT Support for State of Hawaii Department of Health
  • Preproduction, engineering and performance for Buffy Sainte-Marie's albums "Coincidence and Likely Stories" in 1991 and "Up Where We Belong" in 1995 for EMI
  • President of Kauai Macintosh User Group 1995 -1997
  • Management of multiple sub-contracted technical service providers 1998 - ongoing
  • LAMP (Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP) Developer of custom business solutions 2000 - ongoing
  • Reseller of hosted storage and application services 2000 - ongoing
  • Author of Multiple free web listing services for Kauai based service providers
  • Multi-instrumental musical performance and production
  • AppleCare Certification for Macintosh - Apple Authorized Service Center for Kaua`i as of 5/1/2009
1990 - 1994:
    Assisted numerous clients with design, acquisition and tutorials for home electronic music studios. Designed and built custom ergonomic workstations for clients. Did audio production and digital editing for numerous audio projects on Kauai. Expert with Opcode and Digidesign software and hardware related to MIDI sequencing and hard disk audio editing.

    Extensive international travel as road manager and band member for numerous concerts and TV shows. Developed excellent skills related to travel with electronic equipment, live performance and interfacing with foreign sound systems and personnel.

    Developed custom databases and other computing environments for a clientele of small businesses on Kauai. Assisted Hawaii Online as online Macintosh resource person since 1992. Worked with Hawaii Online on the development of their World Wide Web information services during their early growth on Kauai in 1994.

1984 - 1994:
    Worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse in a variety of hospitals throughout Los Angeles and the state of Hawaii. Specialized in cardiology, hemodynamics and stress management as related to heart disease. Worked primarily night shifts where time management, critical decision making and intervention skills are crucial to patient well-being. Left the field to apply my skills to technology consulting full time.
1977 - 1984:
    Worked in the hospital clinical laboratory field as a lab assistant. Became proficient in various techniques related to hematology, organic chemistry, microbiology, and pathology. Was primarily responsible for patient specimen collection and processing.
Computer Experience:
    Started on the Atari ST platform in 1985 for the purpose of MIDI sequencing. Expanded rapidly into the areas of telecommunications and databasing. Entered the online world via local BBSes and CompuServe. Have since made good use of online information services for the purpose of obtaining timely and topical information for myself or clients.

    Crossed over to the Macintosh platform in 1989 and transferred all personal data and creative environments to that system. Have since expanded my knowledge of Macintosh systems and hardware to a large degree. Was President of the Kauai Mac Users Group for 2 1/2 years. Wrote a monthly article on Macintosh techniques for the KMUG newsletter.

    Have been familiar with DOS since 1985. Acquired a DOS machine in 1990 and scripted a home based voicemail system which ran for approximately 10 years. Set up a commercial multi-line voicemail system, DBA TouchBase VoiceMail in 1992 and ran it successfully until it's termination in 1995.

    Migrated data storage and productivity environments to the Linux platform starting in 2000. Migrated desktop productivity environment to Linux in around 2008.

    Currently working with multiplatform networks and systems involving Linux, Mac OS X and Windows operating systems. Administering multiple servers for clients on all platforms. Supporting specialized embedded OS network devices for selected clients. Developing web applications with Apache, PHP and MySQL.

Formal Education & Certificates
    2001 Supporting, Troubleshooting and Optimizing Windows 2000
    1999 PERL Scripting
    1998 Unix Level II
    1998 Supporting, Troubleshooting and Optimizing Windows NT
    1997 Internetworking with TCP/IP
    1994 Critical Care Nursing Core Review
    1986 Advanced Cardiac Life Support
    1986 Critical Care Nursing Core Review, CCRN Certification
    1984 Associate of Arts degree in Registered Nursing, Pasadena City College
    Born 1959 in Pasadena, California. Spent my first 30 years in Pasadena, then moved to Kauai in 1989. My father is a career physicist who holds multiple patents in the area of electronics and optical data storage and retrieval. I was raised with more books and less television. I developed musical skills from an early age. Science and technology was discussed frequently during my childhood.
For the Future
    Development of Kauai's informational infrastructure
    Networked community directories to facilitate exchange of skills and services.
    Networking for schools, enabling students to interact with other students on a global scale from within the classroom.
    Technology education and facilitation for teachers
    Promoting open source and cloud based solutions for flexible productivity
    To continue building useful and productive environments in dataspace
References available on request ...

Copyright (c)1995 - 2025 - Roger Jacobs - All Rights Reserved